Refractory Products
Refratechnik Cement and Refratechnik Steel are manufacturers of high grade refractory material shaped and unshaped for Cement , Iron & Steel ,Lime , Paper and Pulp, Aluminium, Copper and various other industries. Over the years Refratechnik GmbH has proved a leader and innovator for solutions for various refractory solutions.
Brokk AB

Remote Controlled Demolition Robots
BROKK AB, Sweden makers of electro hydraulically driven demolishing / debricking machines named BROKK developed to revolutionise the demolition technology and to meet with the present day requirements of optimisation, mechanization, working environment and safety.
Bricking Solutions, Inc.

Brick Lining Machine
Bricking Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Brokk AB, was formerly known as Pneumat-O-Ring International. Bricking Solutions has been in the business of making brick lining machines for 50 years, with more than 1000 machines and other safety related equipment for plants operating successfully worldwide.
Movex Innovation

Material Handling & Stair Climbing Solutions
Ergonomically safe and battery operated
Movex Innovation Inc. is endeavoring to develop ergonomic and safe materials handling tools and equipment to that can be used to prevent serious injuries, especially back injuries, and enable organizations to offer much safer work environments to their employees.
Nihon Kasetsu

Dust, Gas & Noise Sensing Kits
Particulate matter concentration is the sum of all solid and liquid particles suspended in air many of which are hazardous. This complex mixture includes both organic and inorganic particles, such as dust, pollen, soot, smoke, and liquid droplets. These particles varygreatly in size, composition, and origin. Particle pollution includes ,5 micrometers and smaller than 10 micrometersdiameters that are 2.5 micrometers and smaller.

Plastic Ground Protection Mats
Plastic ground protection mats are an ideal solution for the temporary pavement of construction site roads, lawns, roadworks, events, demolition work, landscaping projects, etc. Plastic road plates protect sensitive surfaces (like lawns, cobblestone driveways) and prevent vehicles from getting stuck in the mud.
Fives Pillard

Industrial Burners
Pillard NOVAFLAM® is multi-channel burner for rotary kilns for cement plants. Flame adjustment system: the burner is easy to operate, delivers repeatable flame shaping and limits the operational risks associated with improper flame setting in the kiln. Pillard NOVAFLAM® delivers an optimum flame momentum thanks to the reduced burner pressure drop and a unique patented tip design allowing a quick suction of the secondary air into the flame root for hotter/more intense flames.